Category: Disease Conditions

I was listening to some podcasts this morning from Chris Masterjohn, PhD:

The virus has mutated close to 4,000 times so far! One key mutation gives it a secondary method to enter the cell.

How many times will it have mutated – and how different will it be before the “vaccines” are ready in 12 – 18 months???

Remember that researchers were unsuccessful in developing a vaccine for both SARS and MERS – 2 other coronaviruses.

Currently the best protection is to optimize your health and diet and take supplements that have been suggested to be effective, such as Vitamins A,C,D, quercetin, resveratrol, melatonin etc.

As you know, Parkinson’s is a degenerative neurological condition with unknown etiology and with no known cure, although exposure to environmental toxins is a suspected contributing factor or alternatively an outright cause.

Elevating NAD+ tissue levels, such as with our Pricera formulation have been shown as indicated in the following study to provide potential tremendous benefit to those dealing with Parkinson’s.

From the website

In an open label trial with 885 Parkinsion’s disease patients  the following results were achieved by optimizing NAD+ level in study conducted in Austria by J.G.D. Birkmeyer, MD and colleagues:

As one would expect, the earlier in the progression of the patient’s Parkinson’s the better the chance of a successful outcome.

The clinical trial showed 78% of the patients taking NADH experienced varying levels of beneficial improvement. The percentages in improvement were:

  • 19.3% of the patients showed a very good (30% to 50%) improvement
  • 58.8% of the patients showed a moderate (10 – 30 %) improvement.
  • 21.8 % of the patients did not respond to the NADH

Parkinson’s Disease and NADH Treatments
Summary: Good news, 78% of the patients in a Parkinson’s disease clinical study experienced positive improvements when taking an NADH supplement. NADH is a nutritional supplement that is a natural, energy-giving, co-enzyme found within every human cell.

Since the mid-eighties, NADH has been used in Europe to successfully treat more than 3,000 Parkinsons patients. To validate these treatments, an open label clinical trial study was held with 885 Parkinson’s disease patients taking a daily 25mg NADH supplement (for the actual study, see the link below). The clinical study findings validated that in 78% of the cases, patients taking NADH reported positive improvements in their condition.  

The Clinical Testing:

These treatments were in Europe, and not in the US. A majority of the Parkinson’s disease patients experienced varying levels of positive improvements in their condition. To validate these results, an open label trial with 885 Parkinsion’s disease patients were given 25mg of NADH daily. About half of the patients received NADH by intravenous means and the other half received oral tablets. The patients that received the 25mg of NADH oral tablets experienced the best results. (The actual Parkinson’s disease clinical study is available, see the link below.) 

The study found there were three things that had significant influence on the improvement in condition. They are:

  • the degree of the patient’s disability before the treatment
  • the duration of the disease within the patient before the treatment
  • the age of the patient

In the simplest of terms, the younger patients, with a shorter duration of the disease have a better chance to obtain the most significant improvements in Parkinson’s disease symptoms. The stages of the disease are important. If the Parkinson’s disease is in the most advanced stages, it is very difficult to show improvement.

The clinical tests showed 78% of the patients taking NADH experienced varying levels of beneficial improvement. The percentages in improvement were:

  • 19.3% of the patients showed a very good (30% to 50%) improvement
  • 58.8% of the patients showed a moderate (10 – 30 %) improvement.
  • 21.8 % of the patients did not respond to the NADH

The most important things to remember about the NADH, is that NADH is found in every human cell, and:

  • NADH increases the levels of cellular energy (ATP). The more NADH cells have — the more ATP-energy cells produce. NADH increases cell longevity.
  • NADH is a powerful antioxidant, a scavenger of free radicals. According to Dr. Passwater, “NADH may just be the most powerful antioxidant”
  • NADH is the active ingredient in cellular repair and DNA repair.  It repairs cellular damage.
  • NADH stimulates the immune system.
  • NADH enhances the production of dopamine, a very important brain chemical (also known as a neurotransmitter)
  • NADH increases the bio-availability of nitric oxide, known to provide increased blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity, power output, and muscle growth

Here is a testimonial from a client of mine who has achieved some remarkable improvement from her daily consumption of Pricera.

The most significant improvement was in her energy levels.

For a number of years I have been dealing with low energy and stamina, Chronic Fatigue and hand tremors.

One of the key areas where Pricera impacts me is my energy levels – in the past, I often could only work for 4-5 hours before I felt exhausted and would have to stop.

Some days it felt like my energy levels were so depleted that it was a struggle to get out of bed.

Since starting on the Pricera, I have experienced a tremendous boost to my energy levels and I can now work 8-10 hours at a stretch.

I have gained more stamina, energy and clarity and I have seen a significant improvement in my exercise capacity.

For myself, Pricera has been a life saver, and I will not miss a single day taking it!

MG Vancouver, BC

If you are not targeting the optimization of NAD+ levels in your patients it is my opinion – based upon the published research that you are not addressing one of the key causes of the development of age related chronic, degenerative diseases.

Reach out to me if you have some questions or you would like to get in some Pricera for yourself and your patients.

Here is a link to Birkmeyer’s published paper on the benefits for Parkinson’s conditions which can be achieved by optimizing NAD+ levels.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Lamberton,
All rights reserved

There has been ongoing anecdotal feedback that zinc consumption can be beneficial for those dealing with COVID-19.

Conceptually this makes sense given zinc’s well known antiviral properties.

Chris Masterjohn, PhD just wrote an article in which he talks about an initial preprint (included below) just released by New York City physicians providing the first direct evidence for the use of zinc in humans
Being a preprint, this paper has not been peer reviewed and it was an observational study however the results are encouraging and quite frankly what we in the integrative health spectrum would have expected.

Following is the article from Chris followed by the preprint abstract.

Pricera, our NAD+ precursor formulation is now available!

Pricera just became available last week, but already we are getting some very exciting testimonials back – 
Here are a couple:

Liking Pricera 🙂

Definitely boosting energy and focus.
It’s been ages since I got out in the evening for a bike ride
just because I was so knackered.

This changed within 2 days of starting the Pricera.
Also more mental clarity.

Chris Spooner, ND
Vernon, BC

For a number of years I have been dealing with low energy and stamina, Chronic Fatigue and hand tremors. One of the key areas where Pricera impacts me is my energy levels – in the past, I often could only work for 4-5 hours before I felt exhausted and would have to stop.

Some days it felt like my energy levels were so depleted that it was a struggle to get out of bed.   Since starting on the Pricera, I have experienced a tremendous boost to my energy levels and I can now work 8-10 hours at a stretch.   I have gained more stamina, energy and clarity and I have seen a significant improvement in my exercise capacity.   For myself, Pricera has been a life saver, and I will not miss a single day taking it!   MG Vancouver, BC

I was an early advocate for zinc in the context of COVID-19, having first recommended it on March 17 in The Food and Supplement Guide for the Coronavirus and providing detailed justifications for zinc dosing in the April 10 issue of this newsletter. I am also involved in the design of a clinical trial that will test a cocktail of supplements that includes high-dose zinc.

Today, New York City physicians released a preprint* providing the first direct evidence for the use of zinc in humans.

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  Today I wanted to share with you an article from the Orthomolecular Medicine Society discussing how effective IV Vitamin C has been shown to be as a treatment protocol for individuals infected with the current SarsCoV-2 virus.
In China at the start of the spread of the virus the government ordered in 50 tons of Vitamin C to be used as a treatment protocol for the virus.

Using IV Vitamin C as a treatment protocol proved to be very successful in treating patients that developed more serious symptoms as a result of infection from the virus.

A number of clinical studies were initiated with respect to using IV Vitamin C as a treatment protocol: a number of these studies have been completed, some have been published and some are ongoing.

In other countries, IV Vitamin C protocols have also been used with success to treat patients who develop more severe symptoms resulting from infection from the virus.

Some of these protocols include additional components such as hydroxyquinone, zinc, heparin, steroids and other variations.

The success rate of all of these therapeutic variations – using IV Vitamin C as the core component have proven to be very successful, with some groups reporting a near zero fatality rate.

None of this is being reported in the mainstream media in the western world!

Not surprising given the current state of the media and the drive to develop a vaccine…

Following is the Orthomolecular Medicine newsletter article.

Pricera, our NAD+ precursor formulation is now available!
NAD+ levels decrease dramatically as we age: the level decreases to about 50% at the age of 50, and between 90-98% by the age of 80.

Optimal NAD+ levels are critical as we age to activate the Sirtuin longevity genes.

Inactivation of the Sirtuin genes can contribute to the development of pretty much every chronic, degenerative disease.

In a mouse experiment in middle aged mice, supplementation with NAD+ precursors increased exercise capacity by between 52-80%.

Research in elderly men has also shown dramatic improvement in exercise capacity and recovery.

Vitamin C and Coronavirus:
Not a Vaccine; Just a Humble Cure

Commentary by William F. Simmons and Robert G. Smith, PhD

(OMNS May 4, 2020) During the pneumonia epidemic in North Carolina in the 1940’s, after American soldiers returned from the war in Europe, a small-town physician used an anti-infective protocol of intravenous vitamin C to cure 42 cases of viral pneumonia. [1] During the same period, the physician used a similar treatment to cure 60 cases of viral poliomyelitis. All patients were clinically well within 72 hours. [2] This seemingly incredible event occurred before there was a polio vaccine. The doctor was Frederick Robert Klenner of Reidsville, North Carolina.

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A photo of my little girl Chouette who is now 23 years old which is equivalent to 110 years for humans.

Like all my pets over many decades I have had Chouette on a high quality diet and supplement program which keeps her going.

Last year at the Vet we had to do some blood work on her and the Vet was shocked because her blood work was what they would expect in a cat half her age.

I use these same principles when I am working with clients to help them to reverse their Biological Age.

For more details, check out the Biological Age Reversal page on this website

Pricera our NAD+ precursor formulation is now available!

Why maintaining optimal NAD+ levels as we age is critical to our quality of life, healthspan and potentially lifespan  

I wanted to share with you today why I believe that maintaining optimal NAD+ levels is critical for healthy aging, extending healthspan – and potentially lifespan (as has been shown in animal studies).

  “In my opinion, NAD therapy will turn out to be one of the greatest advances in medical science since Fleming developed penicillin”.

Dr. Phil Milgram, MD

NAD+ levels decrease with age:

  • People aged 50 have about 40% less NAD+
  • By the age of 80 years, NAD+ levels decline between 90-98%

NAD+ and the Sirtuin Longevity Genes

Optimal NAD+ levels are critical for the activation of the Sirtuin longevity genes.

Limited Sirtuin longevity gene activity can lead to an acceleration of the aging process: one example of this is vascular aging.

Vascular aging is responsible for a constellation of disorders, such as cardiac and neurologic conditions, muscle loss, impaired wound healing and overall frailty, amongst others.

Multiple animal studies have demonstrated that increasing sirtuin activity leads to:

•Longer life
•Less age-related loss of function
•Less DNA damage

NAD+ maintains and builds sirtuin levels and activity

Exercise Performance

Another impressive benefit of optimizing NAD+ levels is in the area of exercise:

In a mouse study, the cohort which was supplemented to optimize NAD+ levels it increased their exercise capacity between 56 and 80 percent, compared with untreated mice.

David Sinclair, PhD commented about the results of this study:

“Even if you’re an athlete, you eventually decline,” Sinclair said. “But there is another category of people—what about those who are in a wheelchair or those with otherwise reduced mobility?”

In another study involving elderly men, supplementation with an NAD+ precursor resulted in improved exercise performance:

The men in this study had an 8% improvement in peak isometric muscle torque (a measure of muscle force) and a 15% improvement in fatigue associated with exercise.

Other Research Highlights:  

• Boosting NAD+ biosynthesis by using key NAD+ intermediates is now drawing significant attention for: Alzheimer’s/Type 2 Diabetes/Heart Failure/ Hearing Loss
• NAD+ precursors have been shown to increase stem cell colonies by 75% in the gut of aging mice
• Other studies point to the role of NAD+ in restoring circadian rhythms needed for restorative sleep
• SirT1 overexpression protects against Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease as well as ALS

Low NAD+ Levels Can Contribute to the Following:

•Accelerates aging
•Increases sunburn and skin cancer
•Decreases cellular antioxidants
•Decreases metabolism along with thyroid hormones
•Harms immune function
•Increases inflammation
•Impairs brain function
•Can cause hypoxia intracellularly
•Associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
•May worsen weight gain and metabolic syndrome
•May worsen cardiovascular diseases
May contribute to MS (multiple sclerosis)

Why Is It Important to Increase NAD+ Levels?

General Benefits

•Low NAD+ levels can accelerate the aging process
•NAD+ is vital for mitochondrial health
•NAD+ plays a key role in cellular metabolism and energy production
•NAD+ is a rate-limiting co-substrate for sirtuins
•High NAD+ levels are essential for DNA repair and recovery
•NAD+ activates CD38, which is present on many immune cells (white blood cells) and associated with impaired immune responses.
•Enhances autophagy
•Helps maintain redox potential

Specific Conditions

•Positive impact on the Diabesity Spectrum
•Low NAD+ levels may worsen cardiovascular diseases
•Low NAD+ levels may increase inflammation

In my opinion, you cannot age well and extend healthspan without addressing and maximizing NAD+ levels, especially with older patients.

For more information about Pricera or where you can get some reach out to me.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Lamberton

All rights reserved

Health Conditions Which Can Benefit From Increased NAD+ Levels:  

•Alzheimer’s Disease
•Benzo Addiction
•Brain Injury
•Chronic Fatigue
•Diabesity Spectrum
•Elevated cholesterol levels
•Immune system activation
•Lyme’s Disease
•Malabsorption Syndrome
•Methadone Addiction
•Mitochondrial Dysfunction
•Multiple Sclerosis
•Narcotic Addiction
•Oxidative stress
•Parkinson’s Disease
•Respiratory Allergies
•Skin Allergies