Category: Disease Conditions

I came across an interesting article on the Medical News Today website referencing a paper published in the Science Translational Medicine journal which suggests that NAC- N-Acetyl Cysteine may be an effective treatment modality for osteoarthritis.

The authors suggest that they expect that osteoarthritis is a multi-factorial process and the mechanism of action that they have identified may not provide a total solution to the osteoarthritis process however this article/paper may present us with a new treatment modality to deal with this health issue.

Most health care practitioners would agree that trying to treat osteoarthritis simply by consuming nutritional supplements is short sighted and this approach does not take into consideration a functional approach such as looking at factors like diet (inflammatory vs. anti-inflammatory), gut health, toxins etc.

Let’s quickly review some of the benefits of NAC:

The hormone Melatonin is best known for its impact on sleep and circadian rhythms, however it provides many additional health benefits.

The published paper I want to share with you today refers to its potential benefits for individuals who deal with Type ll Diabetes with CHD: but also it cautions about a common gene variant (30 % of the population) in which typical Melatonin dosages may create problems.

Here are a couple of highlights from the paper:

CONCLUSIONS: Overall, melatonin intake for 12 weeks to diabetic patients with CHD had beneficial effects on plasma GSH, NO, MDA, PCO, serum hs-CRP levels, glycemic control, HDL-cholesterol, total-/HDL-cholesterol ratio, blood pressures and parameters of mental health.

 And 6 Key Takeaways:

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This newsletter article is longer than I usually write, however I believe that the content is important enough that it warrants this consideration.

This week I listened to a riveting podcast on Evan Brand’s website. Evan is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and he hosts some great podcasts.

The topic was glyphosate, which as I am sure most will know is a key ingredient in the Monsanto weed killer product Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world.

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You have probably heard “The Buzz” – researchers, health care practitioners and the general public are starting to gobble down Metformin for its (supposedly) magical anti-aging benefits.

Some even refer to it as: “Vitamin M”.

But as we discuss in this edition of our newsletter, there is a dark side to Metformin.

I myself have never been a fan – and quite frankly I cannot see the rationale for using it when we have available such a fabulous range of medicinal herbs and a concentrate which provide berberine compounds which provide all the benefits of Metformin – in addition to some which Metformin does not (such as cardiovascular benefits)

Following is a great article by Chandler Marrs, PhD from the website:

Hormones Matter on this very topic.

In this article, she discusses in some detail some of the health issues that Metformin consumption can cause.

Here is a summary of the main points she discusses – plus her concluding commentary:

  • Metformin and Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  • Metformin, Pregnancy and Maternal and Fetal Complications
  • Metformin Inhibits Exercise-Induced Insulin Sensitivity
  • Metformin and Mitochondrial Damage
  • Metformin Alters Immune Reactivity via the Mitochondria
  • Metformin and the Statins: Beware

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