Category: Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs

Today I wanted to share with you an article published on the Green Med Info website and the referenced study published in JAMA Paediatrics which suggests that the consumption of acetaminophen by women  during pregnancy is more likely to result  in a child having ADHD as well as a higher risk of having children who exhibit other emotional or behavioral symptoms.

The article also points out that acetaminophen is very hard on the liver – about 40% of regular acetaminophen users show signs of liver damage. Acetaminophen reduces the liver’s store of the important detoxifying aid and antioxidant glutathione.

Also consumption of acetaminophen during the first year of life can increase the potential for developing asthma.

There are many safe natural alternatives to acetaminophen: Michael Murray, ND the article’s author suggests ginger as a viable alternative.

In my opinion acetaminophen with all its potential negative health effects and limited benefits should not be consumed.


Our Integra Nutrition Longevity Sciences formulation GenZogenol-R will be available within one week.

GenZogenol-R is a formulation developed to directly target some of the causes of aging at the DNA level.

Here is a link to an overview of this exciting formulation

Following is the article and the referenced journal abstract.



Another damning study indicates it is simply time to pull the plug on this outdated drug.

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Propionyl and acetyl carnitine derivatives beat sex hormone at its own game  and enhance Viagra’s benefits

I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I have never had time for tobacco since.

— Arturo Toscanini

In this edition of our newsletter we feature an article which appeared in Life Enhancement magazine on the benefits of propionyl and acetyl carnitine and their specific benefits for sexual health.

Carnitines are compounds which have a range of benefits which are known and are used by Health Care Practitioners, however there are additional benefits which may not be as well known.

Here are some known benefits of these two compounds:

  • Atherosclerosis – people with atherosclerosis often have difficulty walking due to lack of blood flow to the legs: although Carnitine does not increase blood flow, it appears to improve the muscle’s ability to function under difficult circumstances
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Heart Attack – Carnitine may help reduce death rate after a heart attack
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Mild Depression
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Athletic Performance Enhancement

Following is the article.


Rob Lamberton

Copyright © 2018 R. V. Lamberton & Associates, All rights reserved.

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In the near future – within the next five years or so there will be a paradigm shift in how health care practitioners across the spectrum – including allopathic MD’s will be able to help their patients mitigate one of the key identified degenerative processes associated with aging.

What I am referring to is the pending availability of compounds referred to as “senolytics” – compounds developed to target senescent cells (referred to as “zombie cells” in the popular literature).

I suggest that the allopathic MD community will be very much involved in this treatment modality due to the fact that big pharma and the biotech industry are actively engaged in the development of pharmaceutical, prescription drugs for this application.  In fact there are currently trials going on which are testing senolytic drugs and early results should be available later this year.

So let me give you some background and context on why this concept of senolytic compounds is perceived to be such a significant development to target the deterioration associated with the aging process:

Senescent Cells: What Are They?

From the website:

(great free weekly newsletter on the latest developments in the antiaging research community)
The evidence of the past decades, and particularly the past seven years, strongly supports the idea that the accumulation of senescent cells is a root cause of aging. Cells become senescent in large numbers day in and day out, a normal end of life state for somatic cells that have reached the Hayflick limit. Cells also become senescent as the result of damage, or a toxic environment, and there is ever more of that with advancing age. Near all of these cells are destroyed quite quickly after they enter a senescent state, but enough linger to ensure that a few percent of all cells are senescent in old age. These problem cells secrete a potent mix of signals that induces chronic inflammation, degrades tissue structure, and alters the behavior of normal cells for the worse.

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