Category: Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs

A recent documentary viewed by many suggested that a plant based – vegan diet is the optimal diet for athletes.

What Is The Game Changers?

The Game Changers is an agenda-driven film, not an objective analysis of an optimal diet for athletes. The purpose of this film is to advocate for a plant-based diet. It hasn’t been peer-reviewed, and it plays very fast and loose with the science. It’s propaganda for veganism, pure and simple. 

This is a very slick, well-done film, and it has the potential to mislead a lot of people. But it’s full of misleading statements, half-truths, flat-out falsehoods, flawed logic, and absurdities.

Chris Kresser of did a great rebuttal of this documentary – both live on two podcasts on the Joe Rogan show as well as in writing.

Below is a portion of his written comments.

The documentation is quite extensive so if you want to review it in detail here is the link.

As a health care practitioner dealing with clients to help them with their health issues I will suggest that a vegan diet typically ends up over time in causing negative health issues, typically due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

My experience is similar to most health care practitioners whom I ask about this topic.

No one diet is optimal for everyone!

Determining an optimal diet is best done by working with a knowledgeable health care practitioner such as an integrative/Functional Medicine MD, ND, DC, RD, nutritionist etc.

Here is the initial part of Chris’s written rebuttal to The Game Changers documentary.

What is the optimal diet for athletes? While I don’t believe there is one optimal diet for every person, I do think there are characteristics that all healthy diets share. Namely, they’re ancestral—based on the types of foods that our bodies evolved to thrive on—and they include a mix of nutrient-dense plant and animal foods.

A recent documentary called The Game Changers claims otherwise. The experts and celebrities featured in the film argue that a plant-based, vegan diet is optimal for athletes and that animal foods are harmful for athletic performance and overall health.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions on this topic, so I wanted to take this opportunity to debunk some of the biggest claims made in The Game Changers. For a full breakdown of what this movie gets wrong, download my Show Notes, and listen to my appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience.

I’ve conducted extensive research on the real impact of a plant-based diet over an omnivorous, ancestral diet. I’m sharing that research with you now in hopes that it helps clear up some of the misconceptions on vegan diets.

What Is The Game Changers?

The Game Changers is an agenda-driven film, not an objective analysis of an optimal diet for athletes. The purpose of this film is to advocate for a plant-based diet. It hasn’t been peer-reviewed, and it plays very fast and loose with the science. It’s propaganda for veganism, pure and simple. 

This is a very slick, well-done film, and it has the potential to mislead a lot of people. But it’s full of misleading statements, half-truths, flat-out falsehoods, flawed logic, and absurdities. I found problems with a number of claims made in the movie, including:

  • The gorilla analogy
  • The idea that peanut butter has as much protein as beef or eggs
  • The gladiator diet
  • The impact of protein on strength and health
  • Where B12 comes from

These are examples of some very misleading and disingenuous uses of science.

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Today I want to share with you a paper I recently came across which documents the benefits of Resveratol supplementation.

Resveratrol is a key ingredient in our Integra Nutrition Longevity Sciences GenZogenol-R formulation which was designed to target the aging process at the DNA level.

You can find out more about the GenZogenol-R formulation on the Integra Nutrition website – or contact me directly:

Phone: 778-227-4952


In addition to Resveratrol we have included in the GeZogenol formulation Pterostilbene which is often described as a “Methylated Resveratrol”.

Resveratrol and Pterostilbene work synergistically when taken together however there are some significant differences between them:

“Pterostilbene is described as a methylated resveratrol which has a much longer half life vs. resveratrol: 14 minutes for resveratrol vs. 105 minutes for pterostilbene, pterostilbene is also more bioavailable – 80% vs. resveratrol – 20%. better metabolic activity vs. resveratrol, it is also a (PPARа) agonist.”

This paper describes how Resveratrol “Prolongs Lifespan And Delays Onset Of Aging-related Traits”.

Following is an article from Science Daily on this paper as well as a link to the paper.

From the paper:

“Resveratrol appears to be the first molecule to consistently cause life extension across very different animal groups such as worms, insects, and fish, and it could become the starting molecule for the design drugs for the prevention of human aging-related diseases”.



Natural Compound Prolongs Lifespan And Delays Onset Of Aging-related Traits In A Short-lived Vertebrate

Summary: By studying a particularly short-lived fish species, researchers have been able to show that a natural compound previously shown to extend lifespan in non-vertebrate organisms can also do so in at least one vertebrate species. The findings, reported by Alessandro Cellerino of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, and colleagues, support the potential utility of the compound in human aging research.


By studying a particularly short-lived fish species, researchers have been able to show that a natural compound previously shown to extend lifespan in non-vertebrate organisms can also do so in at least one vertebrate species. The findings, reported by Alessandro Cellerino of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, and colleagues, support the potential utility of the compound in human aging research.

The development of drugs able to retard the onset of aging-related diseases and improve quality of life in the elderly is a growing focus of aging research and public health in modern society. But the successful development of drugs aimed at aging-related diseases needs to face the challenge posed by the lifespan of the available animal models–mammalian models for aging are relatively long-lived and aren’t as easily studied as shorter-lived species.

Resveratrol is an organic compound naturally present in grapes–and particularly enriched in red wine–and was previously shown to prolong lifespan in non-vertebrate model organisms such as yeast, the worm C. elegans, and the fruit fly Drosophila. However, until now, life-long pharmacological trials were performed in the worm or fly model organisms because of their very small size, very short natural lifespan, and affordable cultivation costs. Laboratory mice, on the other hand, live more than two years and are relatively expensive to maintain, making large-scale, life-long pharmacological trials in mice unaffordable.

Recently, a small fish species with a captive lifespan of only three months was described by Cellerino and colleagues. In the new work, the researchers used this short-lived fish to test the effects of resveratrol on aging-related physiological decay. The researchers added resveratrol to daily fish food and found that this treatment increased longevity and also retarded the onset of aging-related decays in memory and muscular performance.

Resveratrol appears to be the first molecule to consistently cause life extension across very different animal groups such as worms, insects, and fish, and it could become the starting molecule for the design drugs for the prevention of human aging-related diseases.

The researchers include Dario R. Valenzano of Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy; Alessandro Cellerino of Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto di Neuroscienze del CNR in Pisa Italy; Eva Terzibasi and Tyrone Genade of Istituto di Neuroscienze del CNR in Pisa Italy; Antonino Cattaneo of European Brain Research Institute and Lay Line Genomics S.p.A. in Rome, Italy; Luciano Domenici of Istituto di Neuroscienze del CNR in Pisa, Italy and Universita dell’Aquila in L’Aquila, Italy. This work was financed by Lay Line Genomics S.p.A., which holds the rights for commercial exploitation of the model.

Valenzano et al.: “Resveratrol Prolongs Lifespan and Retards the Onset of Age-Related Markers in a Short-Lived Vertebrate.” Publishing in Current Biology 16, 296-300, February 7, 2006. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2005.12.038.

Story Source:

Materials provided by Cell Press. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Well here we are in Canada over one year now since marijuana was legalized.

The potential medical benefits of marijuana consumption are significant however due to the historic U.S. government attitude towards drugs published research has not been very extensive.

Here are a couple of good resources which I use when discussing the potential medical benefits of marijuana:

Project CBD is an excellent research oriented resource on the science and application of CBD:


Here is a link to their Science page

NORML– National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Legislation

This is a U.S. based lobbying organization which has for over 40 years been working to change legislation relating to marijuana – both for recreational use as well as medical use.

There is one particular pageon this website which does a good job of outlining the potential medical applications of marijuana – copied below.

I am not consuming any marijuana compounds currently however I have personally used marijuana products at certain times  over the past 15 years to help to manage a chronic pain condition.

I don’t currently need it as I am able to manage this condition with my own developed pain/inflammation formulation.

When I was using it in recent years, I would use a CBD tincture which worked quite well without any psychoactive effects from THC.

Before CBD fractions became available, I tried using a THC/CBD tincture formulation for my pain condition.  I was hoping that by being able to titrate the dosage that I could manage the psychoactive effects while achieving the pain/inflammation benefits but I had to abandon this strategy as I found the psychoactive effects too profound when I was working (something about trying to work on complex spreadsheets while feeling “buzzed” did not work!)

Today I want to share with you an article and a new study that suggests that chronic smoking of marijuana over a protracted period of time can increase the potential of developing testicular cancer in men by some 36%.

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Enzogenol, the signature ingredient in our recently launched GenZogenol-R Healthy Aging formulation has been shown in rodent studies to lengthen telomeres by over 40% and to extend healthspan significantly as well as extend lifespan by 18% – this would equate to 15 years in humans.

We cannot assume of course that results in rodents will be duplicated in humans, however my personal philosophy has always been that when I come across an ingredient or formulation that directly targets the health of DNA and has such a significant impact on healthspan – and potentially lifespan – I am taking it!

We are working towards human clinical trials to corroborate these results, and that is a key concept with our company: we utilize third party technologies and lab tests (such as telomere length and health as well as age related methylation degradation) to corroborate the efficacy of our formulations.

GenZogenol-R targets the aging process at a DNA level

Two key animal studies:

  • In a rat study, Enzogenol LENGTHENED telomeres by more than 40%
  • In a mouse study in middle aged mice, one cohort was supplemented with Enzogenol and the other cohort was not
  • The cohort group supplemented with Enzogenol achieved an extension of healthspan as well as lifespan (18% lifespan extension which in humans would equate to 15 years)

Key GenZogenol-R Applications:

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Royal jelly from the bee hive has been suggested to provide a range of health benefits to humans: I personally have found it to be of benefit for sleep as well as adrenal support.

Here are some of the suggested health benefits of royal jelly from the website Self Hacked:

Although chemically diverse, royal jelly mostly acts by [R, R]:

  • Fighting microbes and reducing inflammation, mostly via royalisin (10H2DA)
  • Fighting bacteria through jelleines
  • Boosting antioxidant defense, via flavonoids [R]
  • Royal Jelly Boosts Reproductive Health
  • Royal Jelly May Help with Diabetes3) Royal Jelly Reduces Chemotherapy Side Effects
  • Royal Jelly May Improve Mental Health
  • Royal Jelly May Increase Red Blood Cells
  • Royal Jelly Reduces Cholesterol
  • Royal Jelly Reduces Allergies and Th1 Dominance
  • Royal Jelly Assists Wound Healing9) Royal Jelly Boosts Immunity and Fights Infections
  • Royal Jelly Protects the Brain
  • Royal Jelly Boosts Collagen for Skin and Hair Health
  • Royal Jelly May Boost Longevity
  • Royal Jelly Protects Joints
  • Royal Jelly May Protect the Liver
  • Royal Jelly May Fight Tumors

In the following article and related abstract, it is suggested that royal jelly can impact on stem cell vitality:

Researchers at Stanford University found that the main active component in royal jelly, a protein called royalactin, activates a network of genes that bolsters the ability of stem cells to renew themselves. It means that, with royalactin, an organism can produce more stem cells to build and repair itself with.

Here is the article and abstract

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Genetic mutations (polymorphisms) of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate) enzyme are common in the general population.

Estimates are that approximately 60% of the general population (including myself) possess this mutation which comes with a range of influence on such important metabolic processes as methylation* pathway impairment, the potential buildup of homocysteine levels etc.)

* For those of you who read my newsletter that are not health care practitioners here is a simple explanation of methylation from the website: Mindbodygreen:

What is methylation? Without getting too technical, methylation is the addition of a single carbon and three hydrogen atoms (called a methyl group) to another molecule. The removal of a methyl group is called demethylation. Think of billions of little on/off switches inside your body that control everything from your stress response and how your body makes energy from food, to your brain chemistry and detoxification. That’s methylation and demethylation.

Typically if the MTHFR polymorphism is negatively impacting on methylation function, one of the approaches to improve this is for the individual to supplement with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF) – which is something that I personally do.

The reason this is done is that with this polymorphism the biochemical pathway step which involves converting 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF), the primary circulatory form of folate utilized in homocysteine remethylation to methionine is impaired.  By consuming the end product – 5-methyl THF you are consuming the end product and not worrying about the impaired conversion to make the end product – 5-methyl THF.

The following article suggests that by simply supplementing with Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) that the additional Riboflavin can make the enzyme necessary for this conversion to work like normal.

Supplementing with 5-methyl THF certainly works, however many readers I am sure would agree that targeting and resolving the cause of the problem
(the enzymatic conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF) makes more sense – rather than targeting the effect.

In addition,  5-methyl THF is typically a practitioner grade supplement which the general population would not typically have access to – and most in this population would not understand the biochemistry/biochemical pathways involved and may actually exacerbate an existing problem (for example, initiating overmethylation can disrupt neurotransmitter balance).  Also 5-methyl THF is much more expensive vs. Riboflavin, a common and accessible B vitamin.

Many comprehensive B vitamin complexes may in fact have enough Riboflavin content to meet this need, and I am of the opinion that it is always best to take balanced ratios of the B vitamins – unless there is a specific identified need for a larger amount of a specific B vitamin(s).

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