The First Zinc and COVID-19 Study in Humans: Very Promising
There has been ongoing anecdotal feedback that zinc consumption can be beneficial for those dealing with COVID-19.
Conceptually this makes sense given zinc’s well known antiviral properties.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD just wrote an article in which he talks about an
initial preprint (included below) just released by New York City
physicians providing the first direct evidence for the use of zinc in humans
Being a preprint, this paper has not been peer reviewed and it was an
observational study however the results are encouraging and quite
frankly what we in the integrative health spectrum would have expected.
Following is the article from Chris followed by the preprint abstract.
Pricera, our NAD+ precursor formulation is now available!
Pricera just became available last week, but already we are getting some very exciting testimonials back –
Here are a couple:
Liking Pricera 🙂
Definitely boosting energy and focus.
It’s been ages since I got out in the evening for a bike ride
just because I was so knackered.
This changed within 2 days of starting the Pricera.
Also more mental clarity.
Chris Spooner, ND
Vernon, BC
For a number of years I have been dealing with low energy and stamina, Chronic Fatigue and hand tremors. One of the key areas where Pricera impacts me is my energy levels – in the past, I often could only work for 4-5 hours before I felt exhausted and would have to stop.

Some days it felt like my energy levels were so depleted that it was a struggle to get out of bed. Since starting on the Pricera, I have experienced a tremendous boost to my energy levels and I can now work 8-10 hours at a stretch. I have gained more stamina, energy and clarity and I have seen a significant improvement in my exercise capacity. For myself, Pricera has been a life saver, and I will not miss a single day taking it! MG Vancouver, BC
I was an early advocate for zinc in the context of COVID-19, having first recommended it on March 17 in The Food and Supplement Guide for the Coronavirus and providing detailed justifications for zinc dosing in the April 10 issue of this newsletter. I am also involved in the design of a clinical trial that will test a cocktail of supplements that includes high-dose zinc.
Today, New York City physicians released a preprint* providing the first direct evidence for the use of zinc in humans.