Should We Optimize NAD+ Levels For Healthy Aging?
NAD+ – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is a co-enzyme present in every cell in the body and it is vital for cellular function.
Like hormones and other endogenous compounds in the body, NAD+ levels decrease as we age however they decrease precipitously with NAD+: down 50% at the age of 50 and down 90 – 96% at the age of 80.
One of the key functions of NAD+ is to activate the Sirtuin longevity genes which as the name implies are important for healthy aging. Without adequate levels of NAD+ to activate the Sirtuin genes, vascular aging accelerates.
We can help to optimize our NAD levels as we age by engaging in exercise and as well by fasting.
Another way to optimize NAD+ levels is to take a precursor formulation.
Taking NAD+ itself is not effective because it gets broken down in the digestive system.
Optimizing NAD+ levels as we age has been shown to provide many health benefits including:
• Neurodegenerative conditions e.g. Parkinson’s
• Inflammation
• Addictions
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Exercise performance and recovery
• Immune system activation
• Diabesity Spectrum
•Mitochondrial dysfunction
• Hypertension
• Elevated cholesterol levels
• Depression
• Oxidative stress
For more information on NAD+, the Sirtuin longevity genes and NAD+ precursor formulations such as our top selling practitioner quality Pricera formulation reach out to me – or review some of the info on our website:
Or in the following document on Pricera: