Category: Toxins

Today I want to share with you an excellent in depth article from the blog of Dr. Gabriel Cousins, MD. which discusses the disastrous advent of 5G wireless technology.

This technology is predicted to create significant health issues for humanity: from the article below, here are some of the suggested consequences.

Effects include:

Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is abundant evidence of harm to diverse plant- and wildlife[xl] [xli] and laboratory animals, including ants,[xlii] birds,[xliii] [xliv] forests,[xlv] frogs,[xlvi] fruit flies,[xlvii] honey bees,[xlviii] insects,[xlix] mammals,[l] mice,[li] [lii] plants,[liii] rats,[liv] trees,[lv] and microbes.[lvi]

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Copyright © 2019 R. V. Lamberton & Associates, All rights reserved

Genetic mutations (polymorphisms) of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate) enzyme are common in the general population.

Estimates are that approximately 60% of the general population (including myself) possess this mutation which comes with a range of influence on such important metabolic processes as methylation* pathway impairment, the potential buildup of homocysteine levels etc.)

* For those of you who read my newsletter that are not health care practitioners here is a simple explanation of methylation from the website: Mindbodygreen:

What is methylation? Without getting too technical, methylation is the addition of a single carbon and three hydrogen atoms (called a methyl group) to another molecule. The removal of a methyl group is called demethylation. Think of billions of little on/off switches inside your body that control everything from your stress response and how your body makes energy from food, to your brain chemistry and detoxification. That’s methylation and demethylation.

Typically if the MTHFR polymorphism is negatively impacting on methylation function, one of the approaches to improve this is for the individual to supplement with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF) – which is something that I personally do.

The reason this is done is that with this polymorphism the biochemical pathway step which involves converting 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF), the primary circulatory form of folate utilized in homocysteine remethylation to methionine is impaired.  By consuming the end product – 5-methyl THF you are consuming the end product and not worrying about the impaired conversion to make the end product – 5-methyl THF.

The following article suggests that by simply supplementing with Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) that the additional Riboflavin can make the enzyme necessary for this conversion to work like normal.

Supplementing with 5-methyl THF certainly works, however many readers I am sure would agree that targeting and resolving the cause of the problem
(the enzymatic conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl THF) makes more sense – rather than targeting the effect.

In addition,  5-methyl THF is typically a practitioner grade supplement which the general population would not typically have access to – and most in this population would not understand the biochemistry/biochemical pathways involved and may actually exacerbate an existing problem (for example, initiating overmethylation can disrupt neurotransmitter balance).  Also 5-methyl THF is much more expensive vs. Riboflavin, a common and accessible B vitamin.

Many comprehensive B vitamin complexes may in fact have enough Riboflavin content to meet this need, and I am of the opinion that it is always best to take balanced ratios of the B vitamins – unless there is a specific identified need for a larger amount of a specific B vitamin(s).

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Copyright (C) 2019 R. V. Lamberton & Associates All rights reserved.

A key focus in my clinical practice when I am working with clients to help them to optimize their health and resolve health issues is putting together for them a program to help them to be able to reverse their Biological Age.

Chronological vs. Biological Age

Chronological age is your age in years.
Biological age, also called physiological or internal age, is a measure of how well or poorly your body is functioning relative to your actual calendar age.
This concept would make sense to most individuals: we have all interacted with individuals who seem to be much younger – or older than their age in years.
We are able to assess Chronological Age via several methods: I use a technology device when I am working in person with clients which provides a comparison between Biological Age and Chronological Age.

In addition to this technology device, there are a couple of lab tests which provide information related to Biological Age vs. Chronological Age: a test to assess telomere length and health as well as a test to assess methylation function.

Telomeres can be described as end caps on chromosomes – a similar concept to the plastic tips on shoe laces.
As we age and our cells divide multiple times telomeres shorten and the shorter they get the more prone we are to chronic, degenerative disease.
Our lifestyle choices and situation can also impact on telomere length, for example eating poor quality food, not sleeping enough, dealing with severe stress and other factors can all have an impact of shortening telomeres.
Methylation is a biochemical process which happens continuously in our bodies.  As we age, our methylation function deteriorates.
A simple explanation of methylation is as follows:
“What is methylation? Without getting too technical, methylation is the addition of a single carbon and three hydrogen atoms (called a methyl group) to another molecule. The removal of a methyl group is called demethylation. Think of billions of little on/off switches inside your body that control everything from your stress response and how your body makes energy from food, to your brain chemistry and detoxification. That’s methylation and demethylation”.
Reversing Biological Age has the potential to extend Healthspan:
Healthspan vs. Lifespan
 Lifespan is the number of years we live: Healthspan is the duration of time we live during which we stay healthy – the maintenance of full function as nearly as possible to the end of life.
Recent medical advances has continuously extended lifespan, however many individuals spend differing lengths of time towards the ends of their lives dealing with poor quality of life (such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, physical challenges that significantly impact on mobility etc.)

Reversing Your Biological Age

If you are interested in finding out how you can reverse your Biological Age and potentially impact on your Healthspan, reach out to me:

Rob Lamberton

Phone: 778-227-4952


I wrote a newsletter article several years ago documenting an apparent link between a common parasitic infection sourced from cats – toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia.

Further evidence of this link has been shown with the recent publication of a large cohort study – over 80,000 individuals done in Denmark.

Results from the study suggested that infection from not only Toxoplasma gondii but also CMV – Cytomegalovirus may be responsible for an increased incidence of schizophrenia as well as other conditions  including a range of neurological disorders, including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, among others – as well as potentially increasing suicide rates.

This correlation has been suspected and documented in previous published research (see links at the end of this article) however this study was the first one to examine ‘temporality’ – which meant only looking at participants who hadn’t yet been diagnosed with schizophrenia when T. gondii was found in their blood.

“The association was even stronger when accounting for temporality and considering only the 28 cases who were diagnosed with a schizophrenia disorder after the date of blood collection,” the authors write.

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The Dangers of Drinking Sodas

Great article from Organic Lifestyle Magazine on the dangers of drinking soda drinks:

“Soda is proven to be addictive and consumption has been clinically linked to increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, weight gain, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, depression, asthma, headaches, ear infections, joint and muscle problems, developmental delays, ADHD, heavy metal toxicity, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, candidiasis, other increased pathogenic activity, increased PMS symptoms, brain damage, liver toxicity, tooth decay, acne, mood swings, decreased fertility in men and women, and so much more!

In other words, drinking soda feeds infections, disrupts the gut microbiome and the metabolic processes, degrades cells, causes chronic illness, exacerbates virtually all chronic illness symptoms, and rapidly ages the body.”

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In this edition of our newsletter, we feature an article which appeared on the Natural News website which suggests that there may be an association between aluminum and autism.

There are many suggested causes of autism, however one factor may be SNPs – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.

One would imagine that in the future, newborns will be screened for SNPs and those infants with key SNPs would be put on an immediate regime of diet, supplements etc. which may mitigate significant health issues such as autism.


Robert (Rob) Lamberton


Is Autism a side effect of metal toxicity? High aluminum concentrations discovered in brain tissue of autistic children

(Natural News) It’s a well-known fact that even the smallest amount of aluminum, if found in a person’s brain tissue, can become a huge problem. There have also been many studies that look into how having high-levels of aluminum in brain tissue is correlated with neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Now a new study puts the spotlight on autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and tests to see if there might be a connection between it and having high-levels of aluminum in the brain.

The study, which was first published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, shows some of the highest levels of aluminum ever recorded in human brain tissue. The data was gathered from the brains of 10 donors who had ASD. The study was lead by Dr. Christopher Exley, one of the world’s leading experts on aluminum toxicity, from Keele University.

Using a carefully-crafted two-pronged study method, the researchers of the study were able to measure and characterize aluminum deposits found in the brain tissues of the 10 ASD donors, most of whom reportedly died in their teens or twenties. The results of the study show “consistently high” aluminum levels based on data from both the quantitative component as well as its qualitative component, which is said to represent “some of the highest values for brain aluminum content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues.”

Findings of the research

The study is interesting for its use of a two-pronged approach that contains both a quantitative as well as a qualitative component. The former required the use of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry or GRAAS, which measures aluminum content in frozen brain tissue samples; the latter uses a technique called fluorescence microscopy to visualize aluminum deposits in the brain. In total, the researchers were able to quantify aluminum levels in 59 tissue samples that were sourced from five different areas of the brain.

After testing, the researchers found that all samples showed a “pathologically significant” level of aluminum, certainly more than what might be considered normal. Male brains in particular showed high aluminum levels, including that from a 15-year old boy with ASD who ended up being the one with the single highest brain aluminum measurement. And as for how exactly all that aluminum ended up in their brains, the research results strongly suggest that it was due to cells that entered while loaded with aluminum in the periphery.

The case is made for the entrance of the aluminum through aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, which are used by vaccine manufacturers to intensify the immune response of vaccine recipients. According to the researchers, the use of aluminum-adjuvant-containing vaccines “has been directly correlated with increasing prevalence of ASD,” particularly in teens and young adults.

Implications for the future

More than half a decade ago, in 2011, a separate study showed that children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence also had the highest exposure to aluminum from vaccines. This goes along nicely with the findings of Dr. Exley, who notes that, “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminum.” Meaning, “its presence in brain tissue, at any level, could be construed as abnormal.”

Based on the results and conclusions of the study, it may be time to take a closer look at how vaccines are administered, especially since more and more children and teenagers are getting them with each passing day. Not only for the risk of reducing the rates of ASD but also to prevent other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, implementing rules that will change things for the better is a different matter entirely. Time well tell whether or not this improves in the future.

Read more about autism in

Sources include: [PDF]


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