Category: Pain / Inflammation

Pricera our NAD+ precursor formulation is now available!

Why maintaining optimal NAD+ levels as we age is critical to our quality of life, healthspan and potentially lifespan  

I wanted to share with you today why I believe that maintaining optimal NAD+ levels is critical for healthy aging, extending healthspan – and potentially lifespan (as has been shown in animal studies).

  “In my opinion, NAD therapy will turn out to be one of the greatest advances in medical science since Fleming developed penicillin”.

Dr. Phil Milgram, MD

NAD+ levels decrease with age:

  • People aged 50 have about 40% less NAD+
  • By the age of 80 years, NAD+ levels decline between 90-98%

NAD+ and the Sirtuin Longevity Genes

Optimal NAD+ levels are critical for the activation of the Sirtuin longevity genes.

Limited Sirtuin longevity gene activity can lead to an acceleration of the aging process: one example of this is vascular aging.

Vascular aging is responsible for a constellation of disorders, such as cardiac and neurologic conditions, muscle loss, impaired wound healing and overall frailty, amongst others.

Multiple animal studies have demonstrated that increasing sirtuin activity leads to:

•Longer life
•Less age-related loss of function
•Less DNA damage

NAD+ maintains and builds sirtuin levels and activity

Exercise Performance

Another impressive benefit of optimizing NAD+ levels is in the area of exercise:

In a mouse study, the cohort which was supplemented to optimize NAD+ levels it increased their exercise capacity between 56 and 80 percent, compared with untreated mice.

David Sinclair, PhD commented about the results of this study:

“Even if you’re an athlete, you eventually decline,” Sinclair said. “But there is another category of people—what about those who are in a wheelchair or those with otherwise reduced mobility?”

In another study involving elderly men, supplementation with an NAD+ precursor resulted in improved exercise performance:

The men in this study had an 8% improvement in peak isometric muscle torque (a measure of muscle force) and a 15% improvement in fatigue associated with exercise.

Other Research Highlights:  

• Boosting NAD+ biosynthesis by using key NAD+ intermediates is now drawing significant attention for: Alzheimer’s/Type 2 Diabetes/Heart Failure/ Hearing Loss
• NAD+ precursors have been shown to increase stem cell colonies by 75% in the gut of aging mice
• Other studies point to the role of NAD+ in restoring circadian rhythms needed for restorative sleep
• SirT1 overexpression protects against Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease as well as ALS

Low NAD+ Levels Can Contribute to the Following:

•Accelerates aging
•Increases sunburn and skin cancer
•Decreases cellular antioxidants
•Decreases metabolism along with thyroid hormones
•Harms immune function
•Increases inflammation
•Impairs brain function
•Can cause hypoxia intracellularly
•Associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
•May worsen weight gain and metabolic syndrome
•May worsen cardiovascular diseases
May contribute to MS (multiple sclerosis)

Why Is It Important to Increase NAD+ Levels?

General Benefits

•Low NAD+ levels can accelerate the aging process
•NAD+ is vital for mitochondrial health
•NAD+ plays a key role in cellular metabolism and energy production
•NAD+ is a rate-limiting co-substrate for sirtuins
•High NAD+ levels are essential for DNA repair and recovery
•NAD+ activates CD38, which is present on many immune cells (white blood cells) and associated with impaired immune responses.
•Enhances autophagy
•Helps maintain redox potential

Specific Conditions

•Positive impact on the Diabesity Spectrum
•Low NAD+ levels may worsen cardiovascular diseases
•Low NAD+ levels may increase inflammation

In my opinion, you cannot age well and extend healthspan without addressing and maximizing NAD+ levels, especially with older patients.

For more information about Pricera or where you can get some reach out to me.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Lamberton

All rights reserved

Health Conditions Which Can Benefit From Increased NAD+ Levels:  

•Alzheimer’s Disease
•Benzo Addiction
•Brain Injury
•Chronic Fatigue
•Diabesity Spectrum
•Elevated cholesterol levels
•Immune system activation
•Lyme’s Disease
•Malabsorption Syndrome
•Methadone Addiction
•Mitochondrial Dysfunction
•Multiple Sclerosis
•Narcotic Addiction
•Oxidative stress
•Parkinson’s Disease
•Respiratory Allergies
•Skin Allergies

In our continuing series on compounds that can have a positive impact on prevention of viral infections as well as improving response to infections today I want to highlight Vitamin D.

Vitamin D not only acts as a vitamin but also as a prohormone and it influences hundreds of biochemical processes in human physiology.

Following is a press release from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service which provides details on how Vitamin D could reduce the risk of influenza and COVID-19 infection and death.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Lamberton

All rights reserved

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Apr 9, 2020

Vitamin D Supplements Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infection and Death

by William B. Grant, PhD and Carole A. Baggerly

(OMNS Apr 9, 2020) There are two main reasons why respiratory tract infections such as influenza and COVID-19 occur in winter: winter sun and weather and low vitamin D status. Many viruses live longer outside the body when sunlight, temperature, and humidity levels are low as they are in winter [1].Vitamin D is an important component of the body’s immune system, and it is low in winter due to low solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) doses from exposure and the low supplement intakes of most. While nothing can be done about winter sun and weather, vitamin D status can be raised through vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D has several mechanisms that can reduce risk of infections [2]. Important mechanisms regarding respiratory tract infections include:

  • inducing production of cathelicidins and defensins that can lower viral survival and replication rates as well as reduce risk of bacterial infection
  • reducing the cytokine storm that causes inflammation and damage to the lining of the lungs that can lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Vitamin D deficiency has been found to contribute to acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death associated with COVID-19 [3]. An analysis of case-fatality rates in 12 U.S. communities during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic found that communities in the sunny south and west had much lower case-fatality rates (generally from pneumonia) than those in the darker northeast [4].

Read More

There are many simple steps that can be taken to help protect oneself from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

One of these would be to take some supplemental melatonin.

Melatonin levels decrease as we age and low melatonin levels may be a contributing factor as to why older individuals have more serious health issues with the virus if they become infected.

Melatonin provides many health benefits however one of the key ones as it pertains to the virus is it helps to prevent the cytokine cascade which is typical in those who develop lung damage.

The cytokine cascade is an overreaction of the immune system which can cause significant inflammation and result in the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) .

Here is a link to a good article on this topic from the

Deep Roots at Home website

So taking some melatonin in the evening – approximately 3- 5 mg about an hour before bed will not only help with your sleep but help to protect you from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

  • IF you are taking ACE inhibitors, have cardiac conditions, hypertension, you need to consult your physician before taking high doses of melatonin.  Melatonin may lower blood pressure and cause hypotension at higher dosages.  
  • IF you are diabetic, or have insulin resistance, DO NOT TAKE MELATONIN before 3 pm.  Melatonin is able to suppress insulin. 

Fasting in its many forms can provide profound beneficial health benefits.

Following is an article on this topic authored by Dr. Dan Pompa which provides a good overview.


Robert (Rob) Lamberton

Fasting is a very old ritual to boost health that is found in religions all over the world and is rooted in natural ancestral cycles of feast and famine. Before we had grocery stores, restaurants, and even food delivery services- there were often times with very little to no food. Following times of famine,  there was an abundance of food (following a successful harvest, forage, or hunt). Even animal wisdom harnesses the power of fasting- like dogs, that will intuitively stop eating when they are sick. More and more studies are emerging on the incredible benefits that fasting can have, on not only for health but also suggesting a boost in longevity.

Fasting diets have nothing to do with WHAT or HOW MUCH you eat, but WHEN you eat. Intermittent fasting (or IF) is the art of restricted time eating, so instead of counting calories or restricting what types of foods you eat- the entire “diet” relies on when you do, and don’t eat.

Recent Research on Fasting

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too: Boost Health and Longevity Not By Changing What You Eat, But When You Eat.

Intermittent Fasting Research

Although Intermittent Fasting to boost health has gained popularity in more recent years, its wisdom dates back to our ancestors from the stone age. Apart from periods of feast and famine, our ancestors’ lives were also heavily dictated by the rising and setting of the sun; activities like eating naturally happened during day time. Our exposure to light, food, and movement are the main tenets that inform and program our circadian rhythm. This internal rhythm influences everything from sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, eating habits and digestion, body temperature, and other important bodily functions.1 Intermittent fasting plays a role in giving the body an adequate period of rest from digestion, enabling it to not only heal- but thrive.

Research on Fasting is Extensive

Many of the studies regarding fasting to boost health and longevity have been done on animals. However, these studies suggest promising effects on metabolic functions, health, and lifespan for humans. Although there are many variables, Rafael deCabo, a scientist at the National Institute on Aging and the study’s lead author explains that;

“in the absence of calorie restriction, and independent of diet composition, fasting mice do better than non-fasting”.2

Boost Health! The ever-increasing research regarding fasting suggests some incredible health and longevity benefits including:

  • Autophagy
  • A boost in stem cells
  • Boost in ketones
  • Hormone optimization
  • Increased insulin sensitivity
  • Reset of the microbiome
  • Reset of the DNA (gene code)
  • Decrease in inflammation
  • A decrease in oxidative stress
  • Reduced instances of chronic disease and obesity
  • Protection against unusual deterioration of cognitive function
  • Fat loss
  • Cancer prevention
  • Promotion of better sleep
  • More satiety/ reduced hunger

Although benefits are often examined as individual points, they are in fact very much intertwined to promote overall longevity. One of the main ways IF leads to longevity is “multi-system regeneration,” which fasting researcher Dr. Valter Longo explains occurs during the presence of ketones in the blood. The autophagy process that happens during a fasting period breaks down weak and damaged cells, which are then replaced with new stem cells after food is reintroduced.

“You get rid of the junk during starvation — and once you have food, you can rebuild… The damaged cells are replaced with new cells, working cells — and now the system starts working properly.”

Research on Fasting: Health and Longevity

All these benefits suggest a direct link between fasting and longevity, although conducting a clinical longevity study in humans is unfeasible at the moment, for would cost “a hundred million dollars or more,” according to Longo. “But if you look at the data from our trial … it would be hard to see how they would not live longer.”

Dr. Valter Longo and Dr. Satchin Panda’s study demonstrated that a 12-hour feeding window reduced blood cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, body weight, body fat, inflammation, and dysbiosis, and increased energy expenditure, motor control, endurance, sleep, and cardiac function.3 Their study examined the intricate relationship between time-restricted feeding (IF), circadian health, and ultimately concluded that simply limiting your eating window to a minimum of 12 hours reduces biological age irrelevant of any dietary changes! Indeed, their study suggests that you can have your cake and eat it too… so long as you do so within your eating window.

Research on Fasting: How To Do It

There are many different fasting styles that range from multiple days water-only fasts, to bone broth fasts, to alternate day fasting… but intermittent fasting itself is conceptually incredibly simple: engage in a particular restricted eating window, preferably rooted in 2 meals (and no snacking). This might seem not too far off from your current habits, but studies show the average American eats 17-21 times a day! This is detrimental to our health and longevity.

Classic Intermittent Fasting: The Eating Window

The key is, aforementioned, restricting your eating window. The science suggests a very minimum of 12 hours to see any benefits, so if you have no experience fasting- start there. If you eat your first meal at 8 am, no food (or beverage other than plain water) after 8 pm.4 From there, extend the fasting window to ideally (at least) 16 hours. Whether you decide to skip breakfast or dinner is completely personal, find what works best for your schedule and which option is more sustainable over the long run. A 2018 study comparing a 12-hour feeding window to an 8-hour feeding window demonstrated that although both groups lost weight, those in the 8-hour feeding window group dramatically lower insulin levels, improved insulin sensitivity, and significantly lower blood pressure in only five weeks.5

Research on Fasting: One Meal a Day

“One meal a day” (or OMAD) is an extreme version of intermittent fasting. An individual shortens their eating window to essentially the duration of one single meal. The benefits of this technique essentially amplify all the aforementioned benefits of a 16/8 IF protocol.  OMAD gives the body even more time in this resting (vs. digesting) state. OMAD is not, however, for everyone- nor should it be the goal. Consuming one meal a day can be more taxing on the adrenal system. OMAD could even induce more detoxification than an individual can handle at once.

Like any type of good stress (exercise, sauna, cold therapy), the adrenals and overall system need to be strong enough to withstand the short term stressor. Ease into intermittent fasting at your own pace, and always listen to your body. A great way to transition into it and/ or reboot your system is to take part in the 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet™.

Research on Fasting to Boost Health and Longevity: The Fasting Mimicking DietTM

Fasting for health and longevity can be a daunting endeavor for someone who is used to eating 3+ meals a day their entire lives, and this is where the fasting mimicking diet comes in. Fasting expert and researcher Dr. Valter Longo created the Fasting Mimicking Diet program that mimics the benefits of a fasting protocol, combining both the benefits of intermittent fasting and a longer term fast (through caloric restriction). Prolon® takes out the guesswork but providing clients with all their meals for a 5 day period. Longo is the Director of both the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California and The Program on Longevity and Cancer at IFOM in Milan, and his clinical study demonstrated remarkable benefits that fasting has to offer in just 5 days (repeated for 3 months):

Promote stem cell-based renewal in the body

Decrease excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass

Maintain healthy levels of blood glucose, cholesterol, & blood pressure

Decreased hormone IGF-1 (which has been implicated with aging and disease)6

We suggest using this fasting mimicking diet to boost health if you are completely new to fasting or are trying to break destructive eating patterns! This can be a bridge to continue on with regular Intermittent Fasting thereafter!


  1. Longo, Valter D., and Satchidananda Panda. “Fasting, Circadian Rhythms, and Time-Restricted Feeding in Healthy Lifespan.” Cell Metabolism, vol. 23, no. 6, 2016, pp. 1048–1059., doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2016.06.001.
  2. Mitchell, Sarah J., et al. “Daily Fasting Improves Health and Survival in Male Mice Independent of Diet Composition and Calories.” Cell Metabolism, vol. 29, no. 1, Jan. 2019, doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2018.08.011
  3. NIH. “Circadian Rhythms.” National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2017,
  4. Sutton, Elizabeth F., et al. “Early Time-Restricted Feeding Improves Insulin Sensitivity, Blood Pressure, and Oxidative Stress Even without Weight Loss in Men with Prediabetes.” Cell Metabolism, vol. 27, no. 6, 2018, doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2018.04.010.
  5. Wei, Min, et al. “Fasting-Mimicking Diet and Markers/Risk Factors for Aging, Diabetes, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease.” Science Translational Medicine, vol. 9, no. 377, 2017, doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aai8700.

Both the U.S. and Canadian governments have been reluctant to include the LCHF (low carb, high fat)/Keto diet as an acceptable option for the populations in both countries.

We recently experienced this here in Canada when the Canadian government revised the Canada food guidelines and despite a significant lobbying effort by researchers, clinicians and the general public they chose to not include the LCHF/Keto diet.

Now in the U.S. a coalition of stakeholders has formed to lobby the U.S. government to include the LCHF/Keto diet in its recommendations.

This group of stakeholders includes researchers, clinicians and members of the general public.

It is only a matter of time before both governments incorporate the LCHF/Keto diet into their recommendations.

There is no one diet that works for everyone but there is no denying the considerable research that has been published on the health benefits of the LCHF/Keto diets, including weight management, potential reversal of Type 2 Diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s and many more.

Here is an article from the Natural Practitioner magazine on this topic.

A new group called the Low-Carb Action Network (LCAN), a coalition of doctors, academics, and average Americans with personal success stories using low-carb diets, has launched to urge U.S. nutrition leaders to include a true low-carb diet as part of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).

LCAN members point to a large and rapidly growing body of strong scientific research showing carbohydrate restriction to be a safe and effective strategy to prevent and even reverse chronic, diet-related conditions such as pre-diabetes/type 2 diabetes, overweight/obesity and high blood pressure along with a broad array of other cardiovascular risk factors.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently endorsed low-carb/keto diets as a standard of care for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, stating that the diet lowers blood pressure, controls blood sugar, lowers triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood), raises the “good” cholesterol (HDL-C), and reduces the need for medication use.

However, the DGA does not include a low-carb diet. For the 2015 DGA, USDA-HHS ignored some 70 clinical trials demonstrating the effectiveness of low-carb diets. LCAN does not want important scientific evidence to again be ignored.

LCAN members are also concerned that USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), in its current scientific reviews, is using an inaccurate definition of the diet that is not up-to-date with current science and will lead to misleading, untrustworthy results. Specifically, USDA is defining “low-carb” as 45 percent of total calories or less, when leaders in the field agree this number should be 25 percent.

Dr. Eric Westman, associate professor of medicine at Duke University emphasized that the current dietary guidelines do not apply to most Americans and that a variety of dietary options should be presented to the American people, including a low-carbohydrate diet.“One size does not fit all. If there is anything we’ve learned over the last four years, it’s that the low-carb approach should be a viable option,” he stated.

Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, professor of Family Medicine at West Virginia University added that a a majority of the patients he treats daily have obesity and “metabolic syndrome,” a combination of conditions driven by hyperinsulinemia that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

“If the government has any responsibility to give advice on nutrition it should be focused on those who have a medical condition which is impacted by nutrition and provide evidence-based nutrition solutions, one being a low-carb diet. This diet is highly effective to prevent and treat diet-related illnesses and has decades of evidence to support it.

A study conducted last year by the University of North Carolina at Chapel concluded that only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, while 88 percent are on the way to developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or another chronic, diet-related condition.

Dr. Nadir Ali, chairman, department of cardiology, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, and research professor, Department of Nutrition and Applied Science, University of Houston in Texas, has significant experience in the science and practice of low-carb diets.

“As a cardiologist, I regularly prescribe a low-carb diet to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and other heart-related diseases to better their health and improve their quality of life,” said Dr. Ali. “Given the significant amount of scientific research and evidence supporting this diet, it’s time for U.S. nutrition policy leaders to prescribe a low-carb option for those who are tipping into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.”

LCAN plans to launch a grassroots campaign in the coming months to urge leaders at USDA and HHS to ensure that a properly defined low-carb diet is included in the DGA to provide a dietary option for the majority of Americans who suffer from diet-related, chronic diseases. The next meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee will be held next month in Houston.

For more information, visit

One of the major issues causing problems with losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is due to the presence of chemicals in the body – environmental toxins.

Some of these chemicals are called “obesogens” – because they cause obesity and it is almost impossible for an individual to lose weight until these compounds are removed.

A key compound in this category is phthalates, often referred to as plasticizers.

Weight issues for individuals have reached epidemic proportions across the world – in the U.S. alone, 39.8% of adults aged 20 and over are obese.

Historically, the suggested solution to this significant issue was to eat less and exercise more – in fact this is the advice that most MDs will currently suggest to their patients who are struggling with weight issues.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is certainly not as simple as eating less and exercising more, although these factors can provide benefits.

Other factors may include, and this is certainly not an exhaustive list the following – hormonal imbalance, including elevated cortisol levels, inflammation, genetic mutations, a diet which includes poor quality food sources, lack of sleep, stress and many more.

The way to rid the body of these chemicals is through a supervised detox program.

This should be done under the supervision of a health care practitioner knowledgeable in this area as freeing up these chemicals can cause significant problems if the body has not been prepared properly to excrete these chemicals.

Following is an article published by Functional Medicine University which discusses this topic.

Difficulty Losing Fat? This May Be the Cause

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Obesity has hit epidemic proportions and the world is desperate to do anything to lose their unwanted fat.

Although eating a healthy diet and exercise is paramount to losing fat, there is one little unknown fact that will prevent millions of people from ever losing fat.

According to the US government this one thing is the considered the number one pollutant in the human body and will put a quick halt to ever reaching your desired level of fitness and fat loss.

One of the major causes of the obesity epidemic is the unprecedented level of phthalates or plasticizers.

The problem with these toxic environmental toxins is the fact that they are difficult to impossible to avoid. In fact they are found in every species even in the most pristine wild.

In fact we have so damaged the chemistry of even animals in the wild that the polar bears in the Arctic have human diseases such as hypothyroidism and osteoporosis.

Phthalates are the highest pollutant in the body being over 10,000 times higher than any of the thousands of other environmental toxins.

In fact they are so pervasive that now children six years of age have levels that used to take adults until the age of 40 to accumulate.

Phthalates are the highest pollutant in the body being over 10,000 times higher than any of the thousands of other environmental toxins.

Phthalates are the highest pollutant in the body being over 10,000 times higher than any of the thousands of other environmental toxins.

The government agencies, scientific and medical literature have clearly documented that a huge amount of these environment toxins (phthalates) come from our water, soda and infant formula bottles, food packaging, cosmetics, nail polish, mattresses, couches, carpets, clothing, medications, styrofoam cups, IVs, vinyl flooring, construction materials, home wiring, computers, industrial and auto exhausts, etc.,

The sad point is the fact that these toxins stockpile in the body and overwhelm our ability to detoxify them.

We routinely measure them with a wonderful test called Phthalates & Parabens Profile (

In addition to the damage these environmental toxins do to the biochemistry of losing fat they have also been known to be associated with difficult to treat chronic fatigue syndrome,fibromyalgia, ADD,  syndrome X, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, allergies, and much more.

In fact the label that a disease has is now unimportant. All we care about is what caused the disease and what biochemical corrections are necessary to get rid of it and actually bring about a true solution, a word you rarely hear in drug-oriented medicine.

What is even worse is the fact a pregnant mother’s phthalate levels (look at how many are continually drinking from plastic water bottles, etc., thinking that it’s something healthful) hugely influence not only the development of the child’s brain and glands, but even future fertility and cancers in their unborn children, not to mention, of course, obesity.

What you need to understand and something the researchers have forgot to mention is the fact that fat stores a huge amount of our chemicals, so the fatter you are the more the difficult it is to lose fat. Interesting and at the same time depressing.

The bottom line is many people will never lose weight or solve their medical problems because they have not gotten rid of the phthalates and other environmental pollutants that have damaged their chemistry and genetics.

One of the key ingredients to ridding the body of these harmful toxins is first to do what you can to avoid it (STOP DRINKING OUT OF STYROFORM CUPS and PLASTIC BOTTLES) and invest in a far infrared sauna


Heindal JJ, Endocrine disruptors and the obesity epidemic, Toxicol Sci 76; 2:247-49, 2003

Baillie-Hamilton PF, Chemical toxins: a hypothesis to explain the global obesity epidemic, JAIt Complement Med 8;2:185-92, 2002

Alonso-Magdalena P, et al, The estrogenic effect of bisphenol A disrupts pancreatic B-cell function in vivo and induces insulin resistance, Environ Health Perspect 114:106-12, 2006

The Hundred Year Diet in the Wall Street (May 10, 2010, A I5)

Vom Saal FS, Welshons WV, Large effects from small exposures. II. The importance of positive controls in low-dose research on bisphenol A, Environ Res, 100;1:50-76, Jan. 2006

Feige JN, et al, The endocrine disruptor monoethyl-hexyl phthalate is a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma modulator that promotes adipogenesis, JBiol Chem 282:19152-66, 2007

Hatch EE, et al., Association of urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations with a body mass index and waist circumference: a cross-sectional study of NHANES data, 1999-2002, Environ Health 7:27, 2008

Clark K, et al, Observed concentrations in the environment. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Vol 3, Part Q. Phthalate Ester (Staples CA, ed). New York: Springer, 125-177, 2003

Feige JN, et al, The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARa-dependent mechanisms, Environ Health Persp, 118; 2:234-41, Feb 2010

Jaakkola JJK, et al, The role of exposure to phthalates from polyvinyl chloride products in the development of asthma and allergies: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Environ Health Perspect 116:845-53, 2008