Category: Anti-aging

Propionyl and acetyl carnitine derivatives beat sex hormone at its own game  and enhance Viagra’s benefits

I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I have never had time for tobacco since.

— Arturo Toscanini

In this edition of our newsletter we feature an article which appeared in Life Enhancement magazine on the benefits of propionyl and acetyl carnitine and their specific benefits for sexual health.

Carnitines are compounds which have a range of benefits which are known and are used by Health Care Practitioners, however there are additional benefits which may not be as well known.

Here are some known benefits of these two compounds:

  • Atherosclerosis – people with atherosclerosis often have difficulty walking due to lack of blood flow to the legs: although Carnitine does not increase blood flow, it appears to improve the muscle’s ability to function under difficult circumstances
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Heart Attack – Carnitine may help reduce death rate after a heart attack
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Mild Depression
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Athletic Performance Enhancement

Following is the article.


Rob Lamberton

Copyright © 2018 R. V. Lamberton & Associates, All rights reserved.

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In this edition of our newsletter, we feature an article which appeared on the Natural News website which suggests that there may be an association between aluminum and autism.

There are many suggested causes of autism, however one factor may be SNPs – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.

One would imagine that in the future, newborns will be screened for SNPs and those infants with key SNPs would be put on an immediate regime of diet, supplements etc. which may mitigate significant health issues such as autism.


Robert (Rob) Lamberton


Is Autism a side effect of metal toxicity? High aluminum concentrations discovered in brain tissue of autistic children

(Natural News) It’s a well-known fact that even the smallest amount of aluminum, if found in a person’s brain tissue, can become a huge problem. There have also been many studies that look into how having high-levels of aluminum in brain tissue is correlated with neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Now a new study puts the spotlight on autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and tests to see if there might be a connection between it and having high-levels of aluminum in the brain.

The study, which was first published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, shows some of the highest levels of aluminum ever recorded in human brain tissue. The data was gathered from the brains of 10 donors who had ASD. The study was lead by Dr. Christopher Exley, one of the world’s leading experts on aluminum toxicity, from Keele University.

Using a carefully-crafted two-pronged study method, the researchers of the study were able to measure and characterize aluminum deposits found in the brain tissues of the 10 ASD donors, most of whom reportedly died in their teens or twenties. The results of the study show “consistently high” aluminum levels based on data from both the quantitative component as well as its qualitative component, which is said to represent “some of the highest values for brain aluminum content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues.”

Findings of the research

The study is interesting for its use of a two-pronged approach that contains both a quantitative as well as a qualitative component. The former required the use of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry or GRAAS, which measures aluminum content in frozen brain tissue samples; the latter uses a technique called fluorescence microscopy to visualize aluminum deposits in the brain. In total, the researchers were able to quantify aluminum levels in 59 tissue samples that were sourced from five different areas of the brain.

After testing, the researchers found that all samples showed a “pathologically significant” level of aluminum, certainly more than what might be considered normal. Male brains in particular showed high aluminum levels, including that from a 15-year old boy with ASD who ended up being the one with the single highest brain aluminum measurement. And as for how exactly all that aluminum ended up in their brains, the research results strongly suggest that it was due to cells that entered while loaded with aluminum in the periphery.

The case is made for the entrance of the aluminum through aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, which are used by vaccine manufacturers to intensify the immune response of vaccine recipients. According to the researchers, the use of aluminum-adjuvant-containing vaccines “has been directly correlated with increasing prevalence of ASD,” particularly in teens and young adults.

Implications for the future

More than half a decade ago, in 2011, a separate study showed that children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence also had the highest exposure to aluminum from vaccines. This goes along nicely with the findings of Dr. Exley, who notes that, “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminum.” Meaning, “its presence in brain tissue, at any level, could be construed as abnormal.”

Based on the results and conclusions of the study, it may be time to take a closer look at how vaccines are administered, especially since more and more children and teenagers are getting them with each passing day. Not only for the risk of reducing the rates of ASD but also to prevent other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, implementing rules that will change things for the better is a different matter entirely. Time well tell whether or not this improves in the future.

Read more about autism in

Sources include: [PDF]


Copyright © 2018 R. V. Lamberton & Associates,
All rights reserved.

In the near future – within the next five years or so there will be a paradigm shift in how health care practitioners across the spectrum – including allopathic MD’s will be able to help their patients mitigate one of the key identified degenerative processes associated with aging.

What I am referring to is the pending availability of compounds referred to as “senolytics” – compounds developed to target senescent cells (referred to as “zombie cells” in the popular literature).

I suggest that the allopathic MD community will be very much involved in this treatment modality due to the fact that big pharma and the biotech industry are actively engaged in the development of pharmaceutical, prescription drugs for this application.  In fact there are currently trials going on which are testing senolytic drugs and early results should be available later this year.

So let me give you some background and context on why this concept of senolytic compounds is perceived to be such a significant development to target the deterioration associated with the aging process:

Senescent Cells: What Are They?

From the website:

(great free weekly newsletter on the latest developments in the antiaging research community)
The evidence of the past decades, and particularly the past seven years, strongly supports the idea that the accumulation of senescent cells is a root cause of aging. Cells become senescent in large numbers day in and day out, a normal end of life state for somatic cells that have reached the Hayflick limit. Cells also become senescent as the result of damage, or a toxic environment, and there is ever more of that with advancing age. Near all of these cells are destroyed quite quickly after they enter a senescent state, but enough linger to ensure that a few percent of all cells are senescent in old age. These problem cells secrete a potent mix of signals that induces chronic inflammation, degrades tissue structure, and alters the behavior of normal cells for the worse.

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I listened to a very fascinating podcast this week hosted by Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC.

Michael is very much into the Functional Medicine paradigm and hosts some great podcasts.

In this particular podcast he interviews Dr. William Seeds, MD.

The information Dr. Seeds shared with respect to the potential benefits of peptide therapy for health optimization as well as targeting health issues is very impressive.

The key application that resonated for me were the ability to restore optimal growth hormone release by the pituitary gland by utilizing GHRP’s – growth hormone releasing peptides combined with GHRH’s – growth hormone releasing hormones.

Additionally some of the peptides discussed included ones which can have a dramatic impact on gut issues, inflammation, autoimmune conditions, tissue healing (especially connective tissue), cellular signaling as well as other applications.

These peptides are available: if you do an online search, you will come up with many suppliers, but just like online pharmacies one must do their due diligence with respect to the quality of the supplier as well as the products.

Peptide therapy represents a major focus of current research for the pharmaceutical industry.

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Rob Lamberton

Image from Dr. Axe website

I was delighted  to see an article published on the Natural News website detailing a study which led research scientists to issue warnings concerning the negative health effects related to the consumption of canola oil.

Many health care practitioners are aware of this, and the fact that canola oil should be considered as one of the commonly available oils which include other oils such as corn, cotton etc. which can cause negative health consequences.

I sometimes look when I am shopping at our local Whole Foods or Choices markets (a similar B.C. based company) for salad dressings which might be made with healthy ingredients, but alas they typically feature which is the top ingredient canola oil.

And the labeling can be deceptive to the average consumer with proud announcements of the product’s organic ingredients – plus the fact that the oil is not cold pressed which means it is produced under conditions of high heat and pressure which makes it unhealthy.

This deceptive advertising reminds me of other deceptive product descriptions such as can be seen in the paleo/keto products available on the market.

This is an issue we need to educate our patients about – and the general public about!  Please feel free to pass this article along, or use it in your discussions/presentations to patients/the general public.

Following is the article from Natural News.


Robert (Rob) Lamberton

Scientists finally issue warning against canola oil: Study reveals it is detrimental to brain health, contributes to dementia, causes weight gain

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Copyright © 2018 R. V. Lamberton & Associates,
All rights reserved.

Image from Life Extension Foundation

There has been an explosion of published research in the medical literature the last several years (over 8,000 citations in PubMed just on the search term AMPK) documenting the wide ranging significance of this endogenously produced enzyme on our health.

The Dangers of Reduced AMPK

With reduced AMPK signaling, a range of damaging conditions begins to take over a previously healthy body, often leading to an early death.

These damaging conditions include:

  • Increased belly fat,47,48
  • Chronic inflammation,7,47,48
  • Elevated blood sugar,47-50
  • Insulin resistance,7,47-50
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides,47,48
  • Decreased numbers and function of mitochondria,7,47,48
  • Increased accumulations of abnormal or damaged proteins in our cells that lead to neurodegeneration.7,51

To date, experiments have shown that increased AMPK activation is associated with:

Extended life span by as much as 2030% in animals,7,22,106

Improved glucose uptake in cells, lowering blood sugar,58,69,70

Inhibiting excess fat synthesis and increased burning of stored fat,17,71

Reduction of blood triglycerides,72

Decreased liver fat accumulation and fat-related chronic inflammation,63

Increased numbers of new, healthy mitochondria.62-64,69

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Robert (Rob) Lamberton