If You Drink Soda, It’s Probably The Worst Thing You Do To Yourself (even worse than smoking!)

The Dangers of Drinking Sodas

Great article from Organic Lifestyle Magazine on the dangers of drinking soda drinks:

“Soda is proven to be addictive and consumption has been clinically linked to increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, weight gain, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, depression, asthma, headaches, ear infections, joint and muscle problems, developmental delays, ADHD, heavy metal toxicity, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, candidiasis, other increased pathogenic activity, increased PMS symptoms, brain damage, liver toxicity, tooth decay, acne, mood swings, decreased fertility in men and women, and so much more!

In other words, drinking soda feeds infections, disrupts the gut microbiome and the metabolic processes, degrades cells, causes chronic illness, exacerbates virtually all chronic illness symptoms, and rapidly ages the body.”

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If You Drink Soda, It’s Probably The Worst Thing You Do To Yourself (even worse than smoking!)

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